Revision Checklist


These questions are to help you review what you did on the Rivers Fieldwork Day, and to help you revise for the G1 exam in January.  You will be asked to answer these questions in order to complete the fieldwork exercise.



  1. What were the overall aims of the study?
  2. What data did you collect?
  3. Which model were you testing?


Data Collection

  1. What is primary data?
  2. What secondary data could you collect?
  3. How did you collect your data?
  4. Is your data accurate and reliable?  Why?



  1. What is systematic sampling?
  2. Why did you take a systematic sample of data along the river?
  3. What other types of sampling could you do?
  4. Why is systematic best in this example?



  1. Which graphs have you used to represent the data?
  2. What do the graphs tell you?
  3. Are these graphs appropriate?  What are the alternatives?



  1. What relationship did you test on the river?
  2. What value for Spearman’s Rank did you calculate?
  3. What does this number mean?



  1. What did you find out?
  2. Does this agree with the model you were testing? Why/why not?
  3. Have you answered your initial aim?



  1. What problems did you encounter when collecting your data?
  2. How could you have improved your data collection?
  3. How could you have improved your sampling?
  4. What else could you do to improve and extend the study?

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